Cottage and property pictures

Our cottage photos and landscape views

Our photo gallery: all the images listed on this page, with the exception of the last one (showing a nearby country field during springtime), were shot within the land plot where the holiday cottage is located.

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Cottage surrounded by plants and flowersTypical food products on a garden tableSunset view over the hills South of Montalcino and Velona's castle
The garden at the rear of the cottagePanoramic view over the low valley of the Orcia riverSpontaneous orchid commonly occurring at Bindozzino Farmland
Front view of the cottage sided by olive treesThe cottage, the olive grove and the woodland in the backgroundThe farmland in the orange light of the sunset
Three quarter view of the cottage with a wood-burning oven on its left sideA small vineyard surrounded by old plants of oliveFlowering grassland on the slopes of Mount Amiata
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