In the heart of the Val d'Orcia region, 55 kms South of Siena

The information you need to reach our place

The road, in the Poggi Pelati locality, short before Bindozzino Farm Stay

The road that leads to the Farm Stay

The agritourism is located in the south of the province of Siena, near Poggio Rosa, a village on the road linking Castiglione d'Orcia to Castelnuovo dell'Abate.

GPS coordinates
Street map showing the location of Bindozzino Agritourism.

Within the Val d'Orcia Natural Park

The farm stay is conveniently located just a few minute drive from the spa facilities in Bagni San Filippo and Bagno Vignoni and the best attractions in Val d'Orcia.

See the map
Only 40 minutes from Siena
Static map showing the farm stay location